In partnership with CAMBAC we support the Street Pastors who look out and help vulnerable people in need of help on Friday and Saturday Nights. 

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What is the project:

On the streets of Cambridge Street Pastors patrol every Friday and Saturday night from 10 pm to 4 am in and around the city centre, whatever the weather.

They wear blue caps and uniforms with STREET PASTORS in luminous lettering, so are very easy to spot. All street pastors in Cambridge will be carrying ID cards which identify them as being part of the organisation.

They keep an eye out for anyone in need and assist anyone in any kind of need without judgement.  They respond to calls on the CAMBAC radio they carry;  CAMBAC stands for Cambridge Businesses Against Crime and the radios link the Street Pastors, Club doormen, police, paramedics and CCTV. 

Sick, upset, lost, lonely, worse for wear, need to talk. Cambridge Street Pastors stay with people until they are ready to move or until further help arrives, or on a Saturday we may encourage folk along to NightLite to recover or wait in safety. They are in contact with the emergency services including paramedics should they be required. 

The purpose is to be a reassuring presence on the streets - and do not intervene in the fights which occasionally occur but we do believe our calming presence has helped avoid many a conflict and are there to help in any way they can

Who does this benefit:

The Street Pastors work very closely with the night time economy to ensure that people who have enjoyed a night out are able to get home safely

Project Status:

Friday and Saturday nights throughout the year

How do I Get involved:

The Street Pastor Programme is delivered in partnership with CAMBAC
