Summer is here, enjoy the city

I am just back from two weeks in Cornwall, from reading all the horror stories of problems with airports, flights and trains, boy I am glad we plumped for a staycation this summer to support the UK economy as it recovers and wow what a beautiful county it is.

Upon returning to Cambridge, it was easy to feel at home again and realise Cambridge is also beautiful but in a very different way to the rugged coast and wide open spaces of the south west. As summer is now here then there are many events being delivered in the city. This week we are screening our two weeks coverage of Wimbledon next to the Clayton Hotel near the rail station. This weekend is the BIG weekend with free entertainment on Parkers Piece across 3 days, it is not quite Glastonbury but there are some big acts performing. From next week for four weeks the University Botanic Gardens have late night Wednesdays with music playing as you stroll or picnic amongst the flowers.

From July 7th our new city-wide public art trail will be installed across the city, it is not a large as the fantastic Cows about Cambridge but it is very Cambridge themed and the sculptures will make you stop and look and dwell a while. Whilst your dwelling take time to breathe in your surroundings, take some time to get to know a new part of the city, what businesses are there that you may not have visited for a while and go visit them.

Later in the summer we have further film nights in the market square in July and August and we will also be screening the Commonwealth games also in the rail station area.

Summer in Cambridge is such a joy, so why not take this opportunity to explore your city, get to know your local shops, bars, restaurants and our lovely hotels, treat yourself to cocktails, the cinema or theatre or even a spa treatment. And if you’re brave even a swim in the river or lido.