Love Cambridge – Explore Cherish and Stay

As we enter May and the weather improves then a real sense that, summer is coming is in the air. The football season is heading to a dramatic end, the cricket season has started and people’s thoughts are turning to summer holidays. For many it may be their first foreign trip for three years, for me June marks three years since I last flew, how strange does that feel when it was such a regular part of one’s life.

However, the UK has so much to offer, I have recently spent time in Rye, East Sussex and the Norfolk Broads, doing my bit for the UK economy, but also exploring newfound places, both were really beautiful in different ways, one a medieval town with every building from a postcard, the other such a place of natural beauty, of peace and tranquillity. Heritage and beauty can be found in abundance in Cambridge. We have so many beautiful buildings, a river upon which to punt and play and a huge number of green spaces that are freely accessible.

So why not consider staying close to home this summer, spend some time in your own city, explore, cherish and stay in Cambridge. It may seem bizarre to suggest staying in a hotel in your hometown, but many people do. A 24hr break with lunch, shopping, afternoon tea, drinks, dinner maybe a show and then not having to cook breakfast can be a real treat and provide a mini recharge to our busy lives.

On another note, as I am sure your aware, by the heavy bags the postman is bearing, yes, this week is local elections week, whilst I am not going to comment on who to vote for, I will passionately plea that you do vote. Our news is sadly filled with stories of democracy being threatened everyday around the world and we must exercise this right that has been hard fought for overtime.