Mayor Dr Nick Johnson Confirmed as Keynote Speaker at Cambridge BID Business event.

The new Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Dr Nik Johnson is to speak at the Cambridge BID AGM and Autumn Business event on October 7th at The Gonville Hotel in Cambridge. 


Elected in May 2021, Dr Johnson is an NHS Doctor and was elected with three main principles in mind Compassion, Cooperation and Community. 

The Mayor has extensive responsibility for regional transport, Housing and Skills, as well as doubling the local economy by 2041, these are big tasks and vitally need post pandemic

On Skills, there are currently there are over 1million vacancies in the UK and many of these are in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors. This is not just front of house but in warehousing, logistics and of course we are very short on lorry drivers. Many Cambridge businesses are struggling to hire and having to reduce their opening hours as a consequence.

With regards to transport, this is quite a complex issue locally with Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, The Greater Cambridge Partnership and the Mayor’s Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority all having a say on a mix of car parking, guided buses, park and rides, bus corridors and now the congestion charge seems to be back on the table. With many workers unable to afford to live in the city and many towns and villages poorly served by public transport then a congestion charge will only compound the skills shortage we currently have. 

Housing is the other big challenge, during the pandemic prices rose in many cities including Cambridge, with many of our workers towards the lower end of the pay scale, or in public sector employment that has seen only small pay rises of late then this means Cambridge is even more unaffordable than it was. A real intervention is required to solve the provision of proper affordable housing. 

Commenting on this news Ian Sandison CEO Of Cambridge BID says.

“I am delighted to welcome Mayor Dr Nik Johnson to speak at our AGM and Autumn business event. It has been a tough 18months for all businesses, especially those on the high street and in hospitality. This event is a great opportunity for people to come together, meet friends they have not seen for a while and network again. It will be great to hear from the Mayor and how is plans can impact our city and the local economy, this continues our tradition of having newly elected politicians speak at this event including Former Mayor James Palmer in 2017 and Daniel Zeichner MP in 2015. I look forward to a very enjoyable evening”

 To attend the event, sign up via this link:

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