Key Work Streams


Working with key stakeholders within the city to co-ordinate, organise & deliver a range of projects to create a welcoming, friendly city for all.

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Visitor experience is an important consideration for ensuring Cambridge remains a world-class destination.


Being able to give BID businesses the opportunity for greater strategic connectivity and support is very important to Cambridge BID.

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Let's connect. The BID team welcomes ideas and news from Cambridge BID businesses. Contact us by phone or email, or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


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Our second term will see the BID area grow connecting the key gateway of the station area to the historic centre, bringing the business community together to deliver projects that will allow us to attract new talent and new businesses to the city. Thus achieveing our vision of ‘Creating a world-class experience for all who visit, live and work in Cambridge, a global city.
— Ian Sandison, Chairman of Cambridge BID